The government recognises that pupils from more disadvantaged backgrounds tend to do less well in school.

To combat this, they have introduced the Pupil Premium fund to support these pupils in school.

At Kingsbury Green Academy, we aim to deliver quality first teaching to all pupils, regardless of social background. However, through extensive evaluations and strategic planning, we have a catalogue of support strategies in place for our pupils in receipt of the Pupil Premium.

Our Pupil Premium plan has three clear aims:
We will ensure all disadvantaged pupils have access to quality first teaching where all staff take  responsibility for disadvantaged outcomes through our First PP strategy (prepare, engage, assess).
2.   We will ensure all disadvantaged pupils develop aspirations through wider opportunities via visits, mentoring and career guidance/encounters, and are supported to overcome barriers they may face in achieving these aspirations.
3.  We will ensure all disadvantaged pupils achieve great outcomes through close monitoring, early intervention and removal of barriers..
Please click on the pdf icon for further information
If you believe you may be eligible for Free School Meals, or wish to find out if you are eligible, then please click this link for further information
Should you have any queries regarding our use of Pupil Premium then please contact
Mrs M Goldsmith, Deputy Headteacher - Email:

2024-25 Strategy & EValuation Document






"Achieving Excellence Together"

At Kingsbury Green Academy, we believe in the power of education to change young people’s lives and we aim to be inclusive and cater for the needs of all our students.

Proud to be part of the Ascend Learning Trust

White Horse Way, Calne, Wiltshire SN11 8YH   |   Company Number: 07569743

Proud to be part of

the Ascend Learning Trust,

White Horse Way, Calne, Wiltshire SN11 8YH
Company Number: 07569743